Projekt WeihnachtenKlicken zum Vergrößern



  Christmas Market in our Partner Town, Achern Germany



Students find out about the German background of American Christmas customs. They study how "Weihnachten" is celebrated, in order to have their own German Christmas celebration.

Students need to collect the following information in form of printed mini poster (one page), and make the following items to include in a Christmas Portfolio:

  1. Five holidays preparing, and closing the "Weihnachtszeit" [season](November 11- January 6). (10 points)
  2. Five traditions during the Christmas Festival (10), and comparisons of these customs to American traditions (10).
  3. A menu for a typical "Weihnachtsessen" with traditional meal courses  including drinks (10).
  4. A typical craft (e.g. folding  ornament) which is made during the season including directions to be used during our Christmas Celebration(10).
  5. Two traditional German language Christmas songs for the season including lyrics (German/English) (10).
  6. A card wishing "Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year" in German (10 points).
  7. A note from a parent or friend  certifying that they taught them about Christmas in Germany. The parent or friend  should also include a new, surprising fact they did not know about Christmas in Germany (10) attached to poster.
  8. Two traditional German speaking cookie recipes.Students will choose a traditional "Weihnachtsplätzchen" recipe and may bring a homemade batch to our own HHS "Weihnachtsfest", around December 6th (10 extra points).
  9. Project Evaluation Form

This project can also be done in pairs; each student is responsible for exactly half of the presentation, i.e. 1-4 and 5-8.



Making  Straw Stars for Christmas      


created by Joachim Körner, December, 2014