My German Poster

Top 10 Ways to Learn German - Poster - Click Image to Close


Gather some information you may already know about German and put it on display; make a collage mini-poster or a page size ms-word doc:


  1. What geographical facts do you know about Germany and other German speaking countries in Europe? Sketch a map on a piece of construction paper or find maps online and copy and paste them, outlining those countries(5 points)?

  2. Do you know the capitals and major cities? On the map, mark the cities, and underline the capitals (5 points)

  3. Do you know 10 cognates - German words, which are similar to English? Add those words to your poster (5 points).

  4. What do you know about German history? List and include 5 facts in words and pictures (5 points).

  5. What do you know about German culture? List 5 cultural items, which may include clothes, food, music, and also industrial products; find pictures and include them in your poster (5 points).

  6.  How and where could you use your German language skills? Include 5  situations in word and picture in your poster (5 points).

  7. To finish your collage, look around your new German textbook and course Description. Find out about the things you will learn in German Class. Include a list of 10 goals on your poster what you want to be able to do in German at the end of this class (5 points).

  8. Present your work of art to class. Write you name, course and the school year on the back. It will be mounted for display (5 points).

Links (also check out "links" from this website):

Poster Evaluation Form

Idee & Design: Joachim Körner 09/06/2012