Karin Gündisch

Das Paradies liegt in Amerika                               


Task 1:

 Choose one of the following topics

  1. Das Schiff "Der große Kurfürst"
  2. Die Geschichte der Siebenbürger Sachsen
  3. Die Erfahrung der Neuen Welt am Beispiel Youngstown, Ohio

and give an overview about it.

Include answers to the five "W- questions"( Wer? Wie? Wann? Wo? Warum?)! Present your topic in form of an ten slides Power Point Presentation, each slide containing related pictures/graphics. The second slide should introduce the topic and the next ones present the W- Fragen itself. End your presentation with a final, personal reaction. Do not forget to name your sources on the last slide.The Ship

Viel Spaß!

Sample student Powerpoints:

Der Große Kurfürst


Siebenbürger Sachsen

Power Point Presentation Evaluation Form

Task 2:

Compose a letter from a virtual German Immigrant to Youngstown and vicinity. Choose one of the three scenarios below:

  1. A happy immigrant, content with his/her situation
  2. A somewhat happy immigrant, describing the conditions, having a somehow positive outlook in spite of hardships
  3. A disappointed immigrant, facing extreme conditions, wanting to go back home



Task 3

Compare life "in der Heimat" to "Im Lande des Wohlstands".




Task 4

Chart the "Aufstieg" or "Abstieg" of the Bonfert family in Youngstown



Try to predict the future of the family


Idee & Design: Kathrin Gierscher & Joachim Körner, 10/13/14