Schulsachen Einkaufen
You want to compare prices for school supplies in Germany and the U.S.
Practice everything about Schulsachen on this website.
You have $ 50 to buy necessary supplies.
First you need to check with a currency converter to convert $ to Euros.
With the current exchange rate, do you expect everything to be "teurer" or " billiger" in Germany.
Now go shopping in Germany at and place the items on your "Einkaufsliste" [shopping list] into your "Einkaufskorb" [shopping basket]. As an alternative, you can also copy and paste the items into a word document as shown below.
- Prewriting
- List the items you bought with their price ( "Einkaufskorb") or copy/paste their pictures in table format (see below). Tally your total in Euros.
- With the money left over, buy typical German school supplies, such as "eine Schultüte" or "Schüler Etuis" and explain briefly what they are for.
- Then go to Office Depot, U.S., and make up the same shopping list in $ in a shopping cart.
- Compare prices in your shopping carts.
Remember when comparing prices, that European prices already include sales tax (~ 18%)
12 Buntstifte: E 3.60 |
E 3, 60 |
12 Colored Pencils: $ 2.04 |
$ 2.04 |
- Now it is time to analyze in writing
- Tell your imaginary pal you would like [möchte] to shop [einkaufen] for "Schulsachen";
- you would like to compare [vergleichen] prices [Preise];
- present your shopping list using verbs such as "brauchen" [to need], "suchen" [to look for]; "möchte kaufen" [would like to buy], including sequencing words;
- explain that you are comparing prices [Preise vergleichen] at [bei] the two places above;
- pick out some items and explain whether they are "billiger" [cheaper], "teurer" [more expensive], or "preiswert" [ good value];
- express your opinion using "ich finde" on the prices for "Schulsachen" "in Deutschland" and "in Amerika"
- tell where you "normalerweise" [usually] shop
- ask your friend 3 related questions
Beispiel [example]:
Idee und Design: Joachim Körner; 04/20/2016