Schulsachen Einkaufen

You want to compare prices for school supplies in Germany and the U.S.

Practice everything about Schulsachen on this website.

You have $ 50 to buy necessary supplies.

First you need to check with a currency converter to convert $ to Euros.

With the current exchange rate, do you expect everything to be "teurer" or " billiger" in Germany.

Now go shopping in Germany at and place the items on your "Einkaufsliste" [shopping list] into your "Einkaufskorb" [shopping basket]. As an alternative, you can also copy and paste the items into a word document as shown below.

  1. Prewriting
  1. List the items you bought with their price ( "Einkaufskorb") or copy/paste their pictures in table format (see below). Tally your total in Euros.
  2. With the money left over, buy typical German school supplies, such as "eine Schultüte" or "Schüler Etuis" and explain briefly what they are for.
  3. Then go to Office Depot, U.S., and make up the same shopping list in $ in a shopping cart.
  4. Compare prices in your shopping carts.

Remember when comparing prices, that European prices already include sales tax (~ 18%)


12 Buntstifte: E 3.60

12 Buntstifte von Pelikan

E 3, 60 12 Colored Pencils: $ 2.04 Prang  Colored Pencils, 12/Pack $ 2.04

  1. Now it is time to analyze in writing

    Beispiel [example]:

Idee und Design: Joachim Körner; 04/20/2016