Mein Stundenplan
explore Komm Mit, Chapter 4
also explore the recommended sites below:
Write to your pal about your school and your schedule in 120 words.
Consult the recommended link "Schreibe über deine Schule" above.
Download your own "Stundenplan" by clicking on the clipart, above.
- Make a chart of your first and second semester classes in German
- include how you like the classes
Mention the following things:
- the name of your school
- the location (i. e. "in der Stadt); how far you live from the school and how you get there
- the age
- the size ( wir haben ____ Schüler in meiner Schule")
- things your school offers ( eine Bibliothek, eine Kaffeteria, ein Computerlabor, eine Sporthalle, ein Sportplatz) and describe them with appropriate adjectives
- your grade [ich bin in der 10. Klasse]
- your schedule (first semester "erstes Semester", second semester "zweites Semester"), including times; use sequencing words [zuerst, dann, danach, zuletzt]
- your favorite subjects [Lieblingsfächer] and why [Mathe ist langweilig]
- subjects/teachers that you like and don't like, explain
Be sure to compare and contrast with schools in Germany
Be sure to include three related questions.
Idee & Design: Joachim Körner, 04/06/2016