Tagebuch: Freizeit (Komm Mit I, Kapitel 2)

students write about their free time activities

  1. Do the exercises "Wortschatz" and "Lücke" to practice words and phrases.
  2. Check out the two sample pages. Go to Interviews:  Can you understand what these 10 people do in their free time? Fill in the chart
  3. Check out the chart about what German students, "deutsche Schüler", like to do in their free time
  4. Make a chart with things you, your friends, family members, German students do in your/their "Freizeit".
  5. Write 100 words to your virtual friend about your and your friends and family "Freizeit". Do you do the same as the German students? Compare using "und", "auch" or "aber". Include 3 related questions

Joachim Körner 10/02/15