Tagebuch: Einkaufen

Tagebuch: Einkaufen und Preise (Komm Mit I, Kapitel 8)

Students write about their and their families' shopping habits and compare prices and shopping habits in Germany and the USA.


- write a typical "Einkaufszettel" (minimum 10 items) for your shopping in the US including typical prices and find equivalent prices in Germany using the links above

- take notes on your typical shopping habits (who, when, what, where, why, how many times, ...) and compare them to shopping habits you have learned about in Germany, using expressions such as "bei uns", "in Amerika", "in Deutschland", "und", "aber", etc

- be prepared to give reasons using "weil",, why you buy items at certain stores, such as " preiswert", "schmeckt besser", "es gibt eine größere Auswahl", "nicht so weit weg", ... express your opinion using "dass", express contrast using "obwohl", and find similarities using "auch".


Write an essay in German, minimum 110 words comparing shopping .

- tell your friend where he should purchase certain grocery items using imperative

- use the impersonal pronoun "man" when making general statements

Do not forget three related questions!

Viel Spass!

Idee und Design: Joachim Körner, 04/07/2014