Tagebuch: Gästebuch, Danke
Students write a "Thank You Note" into
the Guestbook of a hotel, hostel, or host family in Germany where they stayed on their trip (100 words).
- thank them for your stay: "Ich möchte mich
für die schöne Zeit bei Ihnen/euch bedanken"
- remarks about the location
- things you did in the area (conversational
past) and things/sites that you liked in particular
- how you liked the hotel, home
the food ("Frühstück, Abendessen") include details about what you ate and
the room (furniture)
the service "die Bedienung" (hotel only!)
- that you want to return ("wollen")
- what you want/would like ("wollen/möchten")
to do there, next time (das nächste Mal)
Idee und Design:
Joachim Körner