
1. Kids stand and clap in the rhythm of the phrases:

        "Ich heisse Susi, wie heisst du?"

        "Ich heisse Moritz, wie heisst du?"


2. Kids sit/stand in a circle and throw a ball:

        "Ich heisse John, wie heißt du?"


3. Kids pick German names:

Mädchen                            girls


Sabine Anke Christine Katja Charlotte Maria
Katrin Susanne Lisa Tina Brigitte Anna

Jungen                                boys


Stefan Johannes Sebastian Lorenz Oliver Kai
Mark Uwe Michael Hans Matthias Robert


4. Satzklatschen: Put pupils into three groups (or leave them in their rows). T decides which question/answer to focus on beforehand.. T says ‘wie’. Row A repeats the word 3 times and claps. T says ‘heisst’. Row B repeats the word 3 times. T says ‘du’. Row C repeats the word 3 times. This can also be done with the response. T then points at rows changing the order that they say it. Rows have to respond saying the correct word.

5. Fragen- und Antwortkarten: Firstly, each pupil makes an information card for themselves. Each pupil writes a famous German speaking person/German name + a feeling (gut/schlecht) on th card. Pupils form two lines. Each pupil faces another pupil. Pupils exchange cards. Ask each other questions eliciting the information from the card. When finished, the last pupil from Row A moves to the front of the row. All the pupils in Row A move down a place. Each pupil now has a different partner. The game starts again. When pupils know more information, they may add it to their card, i.e. Geschwister/Adresse.

6. Die große Welle: T names the first pupil to start. S/he says ‘Ich heisse _____. Wie heisst du?’ It continues to the next pupil. The wave goes across the class. Alternately, pupils can be divided into groups and it can be done as a race.

7. Starpaare: T writes the names of 10 famous pairs on coloured card and cuts them in half. Eg. Homer on one card and Marge on another card. T hands out one card to each pupil. Pupils have to find their partner by asking ‘Hallo, wie heisst du?’ to each other. Once they have found their partner, they may sit down until everyone has finished.

8. Entenlauf: Pupils form a circle. T walks around the circle tapping each pupil on the shoulder saying ‘Guten Tag’. The pupil responds ‘Guten Tag, ich heisse ..’. If the T says ‘hallo’ instead, the pupil runs after you around the circle. If you get back to his/her place first, s/he becomes the person walking around the circle. The game continues. Can also be played with "Guten Tag" and "Tschüss".

Collected and adjusted by: Joachim Körner, 01/17/2013