Latin Idioms for Our Time
Ave/Salve -- Yo!
Si tu vales, ego valeo -- good answer to "Quomodo vales?"
Quis loquitur? -- telephone pick-up ("Who's speaking?")
Impetro/Te rogo -- Please?
Gratias tibi ago -- Thank you
Ignosce -- Pardon me
Poenitet/Dolet me -- I'm sorry
Nihil est -- No prob; it was nothing; don't mention it
Libenter -- Gladly!
Da mihi... -- Give me...
Dic mihi... -- Tell me...
Affer mihi... -- Bring me...
Ostende mihi... -- Show me...
Ubi est/sunt...? -- Where is (n) / Where are (
Ecce... -- Look, here it is / here they are.
Quo vadis? -- Where are you going?
Qua via? -- Which way are you headed?
Ubi est balneum/triclinium? -- Where is the restroom/dining room?(Ubi = "where", w/o motion; quo is more like "whither".)
dextera/sinistra manu -- On (or to) the right/left
Vade mecum -- Come with me
Intro veni -- Come in!
Quid agis?-- Whatcha doin'?
Quid agitur? -- What's happening?
Aspice! -- Look!
Volo... -- I want...
Mihi necesse est... -- I need a:
- vigil -- policeman
- medicus -- doctor
- baiulus -- porter
- interpres -- translator
Vigilem/Medicum/Baiulum/Interpretem arcessere volo. -- I'd like to send for a (one of the above).
Quantum? -- How much?
Quid magis? -- What else?
Nihil magis -- That's it, nothing more...
Loquerisne Latine / Anglice / Hispanice / Italice / Teutonice? -- Do you speak Latin / English / Spanish / Italian / German?
Paullum -- Yes, a little bit...
Intellegisne? -- Do you understand?
Nonne intelleges? -- Don't you understand?
Non intellego. -- No, I don't
Loquere lentius -- Could you speak more slowly?
Scisne? -- Do you know?
Nescio -- I don't know
Potesne...? -- Can you...?
Non possum -- I can't
Calet aer -- It's hot
Frigus est -- It's cold
Ningit/Pluit hodie -- It's snowing/raining today.
Serena/Immitis est tempestas -- The weather is fair/foul
Cauponam quaero -- I'm looking for a hotel.
Poculum aquae cupisne? -- Would you like a glass ofwater?
Da mihi segmentum panis -- I'll have a slice of bread.
Serve, affer mihi ampullam cerevisiae. Festina! -- Waiter, bring me a beer--and make it snappy!
Mox venit! -- Coming right up!
Romam eamus, et Latine loquamur -- Let's all go to Rome and speak Latin, shall we?