Mon voyage en France
students plan and experience a virtual trip to France
Helpful links
In the course of this project, you will take a virtual five day trip through part of France or another French speaking country in Europe. You will get and give us a closer look at local customs, the history of places, local culture, geography and lifestyles.
Optional, ask teacher: Your budget is $ 800, including all meals, overnight stays, transportation in Europe, and spending money; it does not include the transatlantic flight, which you may include for extra credit (5 points), only if it does not exceed $ 1000 (incl. taxes and fees).
You will be studying a geographical area (typically one of the 27 Régions, or part of another French speaking European country) and present, as a result, a multimedia project in passé composé "en Français" using Microsoft Powerpoint, MS Photo Story, Yodio, or any presentational program, and a Poster (pending your teacher's instructions) .
At the end of the project, you may also turn in a scrapbook (your notes) with pictures and descriptions of your trip "en Français".
The project includes (click for check list, and evaluation form):
1- A Journal planning your trip
2- A virtual Postcard from your destination
3- The Sentence Form with all your 10 sentences in Past Tense (click for info) for evaluation and correction prior to finishing your presentation. If you work with partners: the sentence form must be turned in by each person individually.
4a- A Poster of your trip (poster board size) with a minimum of 10 pictures and captions (3-D), including the virtual post card.
4b- A PowerPoint/Photostory/Poster presentation of your virtual trip with a minimum of 10 slides/pictures, with captions. You will have memorized/recorded 10 sentences in "Passé Composé", which you turn in separately ( see 1).Be sure to identify your sources, such as pictures and maps in a source slide/picture.
5- A Language Guide with the ten most important phrases for travel including pronunciation.
6- A scrapbook with your pictures and your sentences in Past tense (ask teacher)
7- If required, a budget form/spreadsheet of your trip
Questions to consider
Possible Destinations (use a search engine to find information)
Videos of France
Idée et Dessin: Joachim Körner, 05/15/2015