Ma Bagnole (slang for voiture)


students describe their car, family, own, or dream and other vehicles



- Study Leçon 12 Discovering French Nouveau and collect words and phrases describing cars and other vehicles

- take notes on what kind of transportation French students use

- Explore the recommended links, above

- Organize these expressions - mainly adjectives -to describe your, or your family's car  and other vehicles in keywords:

- List activities you do with the car, bike, ...

- Include what you (dis)like about the car



- Now write a minimum of 100 words about your/your family's car and other vehicles. Include 3 related questions.

- Contrast and compare to student transportation in France

- Add what kind of vehicle you would like [voudrais] to have

Remember that the French words for car, "voiture", "bagnole" (slang), "caisse" (slang),  are feminine; i.e. you need to use the feminine forms of the adjectives. Also, be sure to use the French pronoun for "she".


Idée & Composition: Joachim Körner, 03/19/2014