L'Argent: Es-tu Cigale ou Fourmi
students write how they earn money and what they do with it
Read and study the Fable of LaFontaine. Which insect describes you, when it comes to handling money?
research the recommended sites for ideas and vocabulary
make a list of the ways you earn money and about how much, either as allowance (argent de poche), or income (salaire) for work
list how you spend (dépenser) and/or save (épargner) your money
if you save money, explain what for
include how friends and brothers and/or sisters earn and spend money
Suggested questions (compare Discovering French I, Leçon 20) :
Est-ce que tu as un job? Ou est-ce que tu travailles? Combien est-ce que tu gagnes?
Quand vous sortez, qui paie?
Est-ce que tu préfères dépenser ou économiser ton argent?
Now write at least 120 words about the topic including 3 questions to your virtual friend
Conception: Joachim Körner, 09/29/2014