Partys Feste Feiern

Write about various events you celebrate with your familiy, with your friends, in your culture and compare these to German speaking culture in 130 words



Research celebrations in German speaking Europe.Do you have similar celebrations? How do you celebrate (food/drinks/dances/other customs)?

Compare using "und" and "aber".

Mention friends' and family celebrations  such as holidays and/or other events. Do you exchange or give presents? (use indirect and direct object pronouns and the verbs "schenken" and "geben" (see link above).

- What kind of presents do you give or receive ("bekommen") and gave ( "habe gegeben") and received ("habe bekommen") in the past.

- What do you and your friends usually wear

- Advanced: Pick a memorable past celebration and describe it in detail in past tense (Perfekt)

Idee und Design: Joachim Körner, 10/09/14