Thema: Mein Klassenkamerad (80 Wörter)


  Interview your partner including the following information:


Ø      name

Ø      age

Ø      where he/she lives, “ er/sie wohnt …”

Ø      phone number, “seine/ihre Telefonnummer ist …”

Ø      his/her nationality

Ø     descriptive words about him/her “er/sie ist sehr nett [nice]”

Ø      family  members

Ø      father's, mother's profession(s)

Ø     pets

Ø      what he/she likes, “er/sie mag ____” , or dislike “mag nicht”

Ø      teacher’s name, “sein(e)/ihr(e) Lehrer(in)” (female) heisst  …


Use only phrases and expressions you have learned so far to write about your class partner.

Be sure to include:

Ø      a greeting

Ø      3 related questions

Ø      a salutation


Recommended links for practice and information:



Idee und Design: Joachim Körner, 08/29/13