Was machst du gern? (Komm Mit I, Kapitel 2-2)

Students write about things they like to do and things they don't like to do.




Study the recommended links for free time activities

Make a chart of things you like to do and don't like to do at different times and occasions:

In der Schule Am Wochenende zuhause mit Freunden mit meiner Familie Im Sommer/Winter wenn das Wetter schön/schlecht ist .....

Also add things friends and family members like, don't like to do

Compare the things you and your friends like to do to what German kids like to do



Now write 80 -100 words about your preferences and also things you do not like to do. be sure to compare your activities with Germans' activities and your friends' activities using expressions such as "gern", "nicht gern", "auch" (also). and  "aber" (but).


Idee & Design: Joachim Körner, 09/26/2012