Mein Geld                         


Students write how they earn money and how they spend it



- Always take notes in German

- Make a pie chart estimating/indicating how much of your money you spend for different things

- How much money du you save, "sparen"

- Indicate how you earn , " verdienen", your money, such as "ich bekomme _____ Taschengeld in der Woche/ am Tag/ im Monat", "ich arbeite bei K-Mart einmal/zweimal/ ____ Stunden in der Woche"; mention how much you like your work.

- mention how you like the things you spend your money on.



Now write 80 - 100 words to the topic. Be sure to check verb agreement and verb position. Include three related questions.


Idee & Design: Joachim Körner, 05/08/2015