Students write about their clothes (German I) and their style (German III):
- what they wear at different locations and on different occasions
- how they and their friends and family feel about their clothes
- their favorite clothes and colors
- their "Stil" and why they wear it (German III)
- clothes their teachers wear and what they think about it
Click on the picture below and read first what some young Germans write about their style.
Take notes on popular German styles and fashions
check out the links and:
- practice phrases and vocabulary
- take notes on useful words and phrases
write notes about what you wear:
- in der Schule, zu Hause, zu Parties, in der Kirche, bei der Arbeit
- your favorite clothes "Lieblingskleidungsstücke", your favorite colors "Lieblingsfarbe"
- how you and your friends and family feel about clothes "ich finde", "gefällt mir" , "ist schick" ...
- find your "Stil" in German and explain it using "weil" or "denn"
Now write in 100 (German I), 120 (German III) words about your own style using proper articles, pronouns and the verbs "tragen" and "an/ziehen"; also compare your style to German styles using "und", "auch", and "aber".