Deutsch für Kinder at Freedom High School:

Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt



In the course of this unit, children will create a picture book, which they will be able to take home at the end of the session.


For each unit, they will create a picture page in form of a collage using prepared pictures.

They may embellish their artwork with crayons.




Lesson Plans:


Lg:  large group activity

Sm: small group activity


















































Session 1: Das Ei


Text:      Nachts im Mondenschein lag auf einem Blatt ein kleines Ei.

Und als an einem schönen Sonntagmorgen die Sonne aufging, hell und warm, da schlüpfte aus dem Ei – knack – eine kleine hungrige Raupe.

Material: Storybook, Children booklet, Calendar, Nametags, Coloring sheets (raupe), Crayons, large images collage style of Raupe, Blatt, Blatt mit Ei,  Baum, Sonne, Mond, Tag (light blue), Nacht (gray or black), small images collage style for children booklets, glue sticks (collages)for children.


1-     Teacher starts greeting the children as they come in. He/she gives them nametags and asks them:” Wie heisst du denn?” and writes their name on the name tag. As the children then enter the room, they are encouraged to sit down and draw or color “eine Raupe”.

2-    The teacher has a large calendar Chart with the two weeks and the days of the week in German. The students’ names are listed and the teacher asks the students ‘”Wie heisst du?” and “Wie geht’s”, he/she encourages the students to answer, ”gut/nicht gut,” and marks a smiley next to their name. This will be done every day when starting.

3-    The teacher uses the picture book and introduces the following words by pointing at the pictures and speaking German only. He makes the children repeat the words. Die Sonne [ten rays “die Strahlen], der Mond, das Ei, die Raupe, der Baum, das Blatt, der Tag, die Nacht.

4-    The teachers hands out enlarged pictures made of construction paper, collage style, of the words to students sitting in a circle. They hold up the picture and the group says’ “Wer bist du?” The children respond with “Ich bin …”/ The teacher could also already hang pictures on wall and point at them for recognition (skip 5).

5-    The teacher places the large versions of images around the room for children to see and to practice words.

6-    In small groups, children make first a night, coloring the background with crayon, “Nacht”, and then a day, “Tag”’ picture as a collage with prepared pieces or with crayons, following the teacher’s instruction in German: “Nimm das Blatt und klebe es, …!” or “ male … !” (draw)

7-    The students get to write their names in the front of the booklet in a prepared section.

8-    For the entire group, the teacher picks up the book and reads the part of the story.

9-    Children stand in a circle and sing the song with motions: [talking hand; both hands open like an egg]


Guten Tag, guten Tag,

Sagt die kleine Raupe.

Kommt aus einem kleinen Ei;

Kleines Ei bricht in zwei.

Guten Tag ….

Guten Tag ….


Sitzt auf einem grünen Blatt

Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt

Guten Tag ….


This song should be sung everyday as the greeting song

























Session 2a: Die Raupe, Zahlen

Text:      Sie machte sich auf den Weg um Futter zu suchen.

Material: Storybook, Memory Game (voc S 1),large pictures from session 1, counting sheet, Raupe in segments to glue into children books/ crayons to draw segments of Raupe, glue sticks, crayons, Dominoes or number game.


1a-     The teacher greets the children in German and then asks them to sit down to play Memory with vocab from Session1

1b-  Then they do a simple caterpillar counting worksheet

2-    Repetition of the song from session 1

3-    Children sit in a circle and play again “Wer bist du?” first with their own name, introducing themselves, and then with the pictures.

4-    Teacher picks up the book and reads it from the beginning to today’s page to the children interactively; pointing at pictures.

5-    Teacher holds up the sun and counts, “zählen”, the rays, “Wieviele Strahlen hat die Sonne?”, then counts the segments on the “Raupe”’ “Wieviele Körperteile hat die Raupe?”. Then continues on to other body parts.

6-    Teacher teaches students the number song by counting the “Sonnenstrahlen”.

7-    Teacher uses worksheets to do simple math with students in German.

8-    Students play dominoes in small groups or any other number game.

9-    Teacher repeats with students the number song.



























Session 2b: Körperteile

Text: same as 2a

Materials: same as  2b


1-     Opening song

2-    The teacher greets the children in German and then asks them to sit down to do a simple counting activity

2-    Repetition of the number song from session 2a

3-    Teacher picks up the book and with the cover picture, introduces parts of the caterpillar body:

4-    Wir machen eine Raupe:

     Teacher demonstrates:       “nimm” > take

   “klebe” > stick

Or “male” . draw

Teacher shows how he/she glues, or draws a “Raupe” together by introducing parts of the body: Kopf, Körper, Haar und Füße;  Fühler, Augen, Nase und ein Mund.

Students make or draw their own Raupe and sun in their books. They embellish the picture with crayons.

5-    Teacher counts with children parts of the body and has students write numbers into Raupe’s body segments.

6-    Teacher sings with children “Head and shoulders with the words above.

 Teacher holds up the sun and counts, “zählen”, the rays, “Wieviele Strahlen hat die Sonne?”, then counts the segments on the “Raupe”’ “Wieviele Körperteile hat die Raupe?”. Then continues on to other body parts.



































Session 3: Obst/Früchte



Am Montag fraß sie sich durch einen Apfel, aber satt war sie noch immer nicht.

Am Dienstag … zwei Birnen …

Am Mittwoch … drei Pflaumen …

Am Donnerstag … vier Erdbeeren …

Am Freitag … Orangen … [instead of Apfelsinen]


Materials: Storybook, sets of large pictures of fruits to color in groups, memory games, small coloring pictures of fruits cut out, crayons, glue.

1-     Teacher has pictures of same fruits as above cut out and for students to color as they come in; teacher mentions colors in German (rot, orange, gelb, grün, lila).

2-    Teacher repeats the numbers with students and sings again the number song

3-    Teacher holds up pictures of fruits and has children repeat the words, German only: Apfel, Birne, Pflaume, Erdbeere, Orange

4-    Students play memory game with pictures.

5-    Teacher sings “Ich esse gern, gern, gern, Äpfel und Bananen; Birnen und Pflaumen, Erdbeer’n und Orangen” Students hold up pictures as they sing.

6-    Teacher reads section of the book interactively with the students [replacing “Apfelsine” with “Orangen”.

7-    Children paste fruits in their picture books according to teachers instructions; “nimm”, “kleb”, and color them (n.b.: only pictures, the text comes next time).

“ Nimm einen Apfel und kleb in dein Heft!””Nimm zwei Birnen und kleb in dein Heft! …” [the pages come prepared with holes in them]



















Lg / Sm










Session 4: Wochentage

Material: prepared pictures of fruits, prepared text passages about fruits and days, prepared weeklong calendar, glue sticks; Prepared calendars to be sent home.

Text: 3

  1. Teacher has weeklong calendars with fruits and other food for the children to color as they come in
  2. Children sit in a circle, teacher uses the large pictures to repeat “Obst” and sings song with students.
  3. Teacher picks up the book and reads the same segment interactively with children, repeating numbers and fruits, but, this time stressing the days of the week.
  4. Teacher holds up a large calendar (could also be on the board) and has students paste pictures of fruits under the different days in the story.
  5. Teacher pretends to be a caterpillar, “Ich bin die kleine Raupe”, and sings to the tune of “The wheels on the bus”:

Am Montag ess ich Äpfel gern, Äpfel gern, Äpfel gern,

Am Montag ess ich Äpfel gern, Äpfel gern, Äpfel gern,

Den ganzen Tag [all day long]

Am Dienstag …

The children will catch on.

  1. The students paste the text pieces according to the story in their story books.
  2. Students take home calendars to return for Session 6.











































Session 5: Essen


Text:  Am Samstag [insead of “Sonnabend”] fraß sie sich durch ein Stück Schokoladenkuchen, eine Eiswaffel, eine saure Gurke, eine Scheibe Käse, ein Stück Wurst, einen Lolli, ein Stück [Früchte]brot, ein Würstchen, ein Törtchen und ein Stück Melone.

An diesem Abend hatte sie Bauchschmerzen!

Der nächste Tag war wieder ein Sonntag.

Die Raupe fraß sich durch ein grünes Blatt.

Es ging ihr nun viel besser.


Was isst du / Was magst du?

Wie geht’s? Gut /Nicht gut/ Besser

gesund >< ungesund

Kuchen, Eis, Käse, Wurst, Brot, Melone

Materials: 1 set of large foods images, small food images – one of each - for game, dice, food images to paste (or to be drawn)


  1. Teacher greets students as they come in and hands out nametags. The teacher asks, “Wie geht’s?” and encourages students to answer, “Gut/ Nicht gut/ Besser.” He points at the calendar which has been used every day and goes through the days and the feelings with the students.
  2. “Heute sprechen wir über Essen.” The teacher has samples of fruits, or pictures and asks students “Was ist das?” “Ist das gut, gesund, oder nicht gut, ungesund?” stressing “gesund/ungesund”. Could be also prepared as treats.
  3. The teacher reads the section about the fruits interactively and then continues on to Samstag pointing at the new expressions. As he/she reads, he asks the students “magst du _____?” “ist _____ gesund?” and discusses with them. He she adds ”das macht Bauchschmerzen” and motions  tummy aches.
  4. The children sit in a circle and have a pile of food images in the middle.  They roll a dice. “Nummer eins bis drei = gesund; Nummer vier bis sechs = ungesund”. They each roll and pick the appropriate picture. At the end, they hold out their picture and specify name and “gesund/ungesund”.
  5. The children paste precut pictures into their storybooks under the food labels
  6. Teacher sings food song with the children adding more food.











































Session 6: Gegentaile [opposites]



 Sie war nun nicht mehr hungrig, sie war richtig satt. und sie war auch nicht mehr klein, sie war groß und dick geworden.


Sie baute sich ein enges Haus, das man Kokon nennt, und blieb darin mehr als zwei Wochen lang. Dann knabberte sie sich ein Loch in den Kokon, zwängte sich nach draußen und …


Materials: children’s calendars, extra calendars for kids who forgot, pictures of opposites. prepared pictures for the storybooks, crayons.


nicht gut / gut

dunkel / hell

traurig / glücklich

ungesund / gesund

groß / klein

dick / dünn

hungrig / satt

hässlich / schön


  1. Teacher greets children as they come in. Children bring in calendars from Session 4, draw what they ate on those days and circle “rot ungesund” and “grün gesund”.
  2. Teacher repeats fruit song with children.
  3. Teacher shows children prepared pictures from the story with opposites. He/she first repeats the items in German and then explains the opposites. he/she has the children repeat.
  4. He/she sings with the children the opposites song to the tune of Schnitzelbank: “Ist das nicht ein gut-nicht-gut? ja das ist ein gut-nicht-gut. Oh du schöne, oh du schöne kleine Raupe Nimmersatt.”
  5. Teacher opens the book and points at pictures to demonstrate and ask children about opposites. He/she then reads this part of the story. At this point, the whole story could be read again.
  6. Children play the opposites game matching opposite pictures naming items and adjectives.
  7. Teacher directs children on drawing in their story book appropriate pictures of the “Raupe” above the text boxes. Then they glue in additional pictures, “Kokon”.
  8. They sing the song again.


































Session 7: Farben

Text:         war ein wunderschöner Schmetterling

Materials: Precut butterflies with indicated colors, crayons in        “Regenbogenfarben”


  1. Teacher greets children and gives them a butterfly to color or collage.
  2. Teacher sings opposite song with the children.
  3. Teacher reads the entire story with the help of the children. When he/she gets to the butterfly, he she introduces the colors.
  4. The teacher has a “Schmetterling“  traced on a large piece of construction paper with six sections marked off for coloring from top to bottom. He/she gives each child a crayon in the rainbow colors or any other safe coloring pen, naming the color in German in the order of the rainbow “Regenbogen”; he/she has them repeat the colors. He asks them to come forward at a time in the order of the rainbow and has each child color the “Schmetterling in turn with their color from the top to the bottom.
  5. The teacher, then, talks about the rainbowcolors, “Regenbogenfarben” on the “wunderschöner Schmetterling. They name the colors together.
  6. The teacher teaches the children the “Regenbogenschmetterlinglied” by pointing at the “Schmetterling”:

Rot, orange , gelb und grün,

Blau und Lila,

wunderschöner Schmetterling

Tralalalala, …

Kleine Raupe Nimmersatt, keiner [nobody] ist wie du

Regenbogenschmetterling, leuchtet immerzu.

  1. The children finish their “Bilderbuch” by glueing, “kleben” the “Schmetterling” into their “Bilderbuch”.
  2. The teacher reads the entire story with them, encouraging them to sing all the songs they learned.
  3. The teacher hands each child his/her own storybook to take home.


Plans and design: Joachim Körner, Freedom High School, Morganton, North Carolina