





Create your own 2 sided  T Shirt with graphics in the colors of the German Flag indicating your personal likes and dislikes.  Anything goes on this assignment as long as you keep it in good taste and "auf Deutsch".  You may use permanent marking pens for this project.

Your T Shirt should include the following information

Scoring Guide/ Evaluation Form

  4 - 5 Ausgezeichnet

does not require help

3.5 - 4 Durchschnittlich

needs helper

1 - 2 Mangelhaft

( Structure and Vocabulary)

Uses German structures entirely correctly demonstrating a wide variety of vocabulary.

Uses German structures mostly correctly demonstrating a fair variety of vocabulary.

Uses German structures sporadically with a limited variety of vocabulary.
Conversation Skills

(Oral Presentation)

no hesitation; no reference to notes, intonation and voice enhance presentation some hesitation, some reference to notes, sometimes requires cues refers to notes often, hesitates frequently, requires a great deal of help
Effort and Creativity shows creativity and originality; artwork enhances presentation and captures attention; much evidence of preparation some creativity and originality; artwork neither adds to nor hinders presentation; some evidence of preparation little creativity and originality; little or no artwork; little evidence of preparation

Total Points

Circle One

________     (x 3) = ________ /45


see list above

                                                                                         ________ /30


signatures (need to be identifyable)                                                     _________    ( x 2) =   _______ /25
Total score                                                                                            

                                                                                          _______ / 100


Click below for more Samples



Deutsch II:

Mein deutscher Rucksack

Deutsch III:

Meine deutsche Schürze

Deutsch IV/V:

Meine deutsche Tasche

Idee und Design: Joachim Körner und Ed Curtis, 05/29/15