Selected Links for "Job / Profession"

Employment (EDD = Employment Development Department

1. Looking for a Job
2. Preparing for a Job Interview (1)
3. Preparing for a Job Interview (2)
4. Greeted by Receptionist
5. Job Interview (1)
6. Job Interview (2)
7. Asking questions at an Interview
8. Accepting a Job Offer
9. Talking on the Phone
10. Request for Office Supplies
11. Offering Help
12. Asking for Help
13. Responding to a Plea for Help
14. How to Do a Timesheet
15. Making a Phone Call
16. Schedule an Appointment for a Meeting
17. Rearranging an Appointment
18. Giving an Excuse for Being Late to Work
19. Accepting Excuses for Not Meeting Commitments
20. Asking for a Description of a Person
21. Asking for Permission
22. Express Agreement
23. Express Disagreement
24. Express Certainty
25. Express Uncertainty
26. Express Likes
27. Express Dislikes
28. Making Promises


  1. Unemployment Insurance
  2. Calling EDD to Report Unemployment
  3. How to Collect Unemployment Benefits
  4. Questions about the Forms
  5. At the EDD Office
  6. Payment not Received
  7. Reduced Payments
  8. Looking for Jobs at EDD
  9. Talking to People at EDD
  10. Attending a Workshop at EDD
  11. How to prepare for an Interview


Easy Reading

No Job

Job Training, but no Job

No Help from a Coworker

She’s picky about with jobs